Dr. Boris D. Nunez
Fellow of the American College of Cardiology
Fellow of the Society of Cardiac Angiography and Interventions
Cardiovascular Training at Beth Israel Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
Interventional Cardiology Training, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN
Medical Doctor
Gama Filho School of Medicine
Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
Work History
Advanced Interventional Cardiology Consultants
320 S.R. 60 East, Lake Wales, FL 33853
Interventional Cardiology & Vascular Consultants
615 E. Princeton St, Orlando, FL 32806
Board Certifications
Cardiovascular Disease
1997-2007, Recertified 2008-2018
Interventional Cardiology
Post Doctoral Training
Internship and Residency
Gama Filho University Hospital
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Cardiology Residency
National Heart Institute
Ignacio Chavez, Mexico City, Mexico
Hypertension Fellowship
Alton Ochsner Medical Foundation
New Orleans, LA
Internal Medicine Fellowship
University of Oklahoma
Oklahoma City, OK
Cardiovascular Fellowship
Beth Israel Hospital
Harvard Medical School
Boston, MA
Interventional Cardiology Fellowship
Mayo Clinic
Rochester, MN
- Llamas GE. Nunez BD. Takayasu arteritis with calcified giant ventricular Aneurysm. Arch Inst Cardiol Mex 1985;55 75-80
- Amodeo C. Messerli FH, Ventura HO, Kobrin I, Garavaglia G, Nunez BD, Frohlich ED.\
- Nunez BD, Schmieder RE, Garavaglia GE, Messerli FH. Right ventricular involvement in hypertensive patients with isolated septal and concentric ventricular hypertrophy. J Hypertensive 1986:4 (suppl 5) 261-263.
- Schmieder RE, Messrli FH, Nunez BD, Garvaglia GE, Frohlich ED. High interglomerular pressure a determinant for early target organ damage in arterial hypertension. J hypertension 1986; 4 (suppl 5) 300-312.
- Messerli FH, Schmieder RE, Nunez BD. Heterogeneous pathophysiologiy of essential hypertension: Implications for therapy. Am Heart J 1986; 112:886-893.
- Schmieder RE, Messerli FH, Garavaglia GE, Nunez BD, Frohlich ED. Cardiovascular effects of verapamil in patients with essential hypertension, Circulation 1987; 75::1030-1036.
- Messerli FH, Garavaglia GE, Schmieder RE, Sundagaar-Rise K, Nunez, BD, Amodeo C. Disparate Cardiovascular findings in Men and Women with essential hypertension.
- Nunez BD, Messerli FH, Garavaglia GE, Schmieder RE, , Frohlich ED. Biventricular cardiac hypertrophy in essential hypertension. Am Heart J; 1987; 144 813-818
- Nunez BD, Frohlich ED, Garavaglia GE. Schmieder RE. Nunez MM. Serum uric acid in Reno vascular hypertension: reduction following correction. Medical Science J 1987; 294:419-422.
- Nunez BD, Garavaglia GE. Messierli FH. Non invasive diagnosis of left ventricular hypertrophy. Practical Cardiology 1987, 13:63-75
- Messerli FH, Nunez BD. Schmieder RE Early diction of target organ disease in essential hypertension. Circulation 1987; 76 IV-440.
- Messerli FH, Nunez BE, Ventura HO, Snyder DW. Overweight and sudden death: Increased ventricular ectopy in cardiopathy of obesity.
- Garavaglia GE, Messerli FH, Schmieder RE, Nunez BD. Antihypertensive therapy and cardiovascular reactivity during isometric stress. J of Human Hypertension 1988, II-IV; 247-251.
- Messerli FH, Nunez BD. Schmieder RE. Early detection of target organ damage in essential hypertension. Contribution to Nephrology 1987; 54, 21-31
- Garvaglia GE. Messerli FH, Schmieder RE. Nunez BD. Anti hypertensive therapy and cardiovascular reactivity during isometric stress. J of Human Hypertension 1988, II-IV; 247-251.
- Lavie CJ, Nunez BD, Garvavaglia GE, Messerli FH. Hypertensive concentric left ventricular hypertrophy: where is ventricular ectopy activity increased Southern Medical J. 1988; 81:696-700.
- Garavaglia GE. Messerli FH, Nunez BD. Schmieder RE, Frohlich ED. Immediate and short-term cardiovascular effects of a new converting enzyme inhibitor (lisinopril) in essential hypertension. Am J Cardiol 1988; 62:912-916
- Garavaglia GE, Messerli FH, Nunez BD, Schmieder RE. Myocardial contractility and left ventricular function in obese patients with essential hypertension. Am J Cardiol. 1988; 62:594-597.
- Schmieder RE, Messerli FH, Nunez BD, Garavaglia GE, Frohlich ED. Hemodynamics Humoral and Volume Findings in Systemic Hypertension with Isolated Ventricular Septal Hypertrophy. Am J Cardiol. 1988;62:1053-1057
- Schmieder RE, Messerli FH, Nunez BD, Garavaglia GE, Nunez BD, MacPhee AA, Re RN. Dose the rennin- angiotensin-aldosterone system modify cardiac structure and function in essential hypertension. Am J Med. 1988; 84(suppl. 3A) 136-139.
- Messerli FH, Nunez BD, Nunez MM, Garavaglia GE, Schmieder RE, Ventura HO, Hypertension and sudden death: Disparate effects of calcium entry blockers and diuretic therapy and cardiac dysrhythmias. Arch Intern Med 1989; 149:1263-1267.
- Garvaglia GE, Messerli FH, Nunez BD, Schmieder RE, Frohlich ED. Angiotension converting enzyme inhibitors : disparities in the mechanism of the anti-hypertensive effect. Am J Hypertension 1988; (1):214-216.
- Schmieder RE, Messerli FH, Ruddel H, Garavaglia GE, Grube E, Nunez BD. Sodium intake modulates left ventricular hypertrophy in essential hypertension. J Hypertension 1988; 6(suppl 4): 148-150.
- Garavaglia GE, Messerli FH, Schmieder RE, Nunez BD, Orens S. Sex differences in cardiac adaptations to essential hypertension. European Heart J 1989; 10:1110-1114.
- Schmieder RE, Messerli FH, Strurgill D, Garavaglia GE, Nunez BD. Cardiac performance after reduction of myocardial hypertrophy. Am J Med 1989; 87:22-27
- Messerli FH, Nunez BD, Nunez MM, Garavaglia GE, Schmieder RE, Ventura HO. Hipertansiyon ve ani olum. Kalsiyum antagonist ve diuretic tedavisin kalpteki ritim bozukluklari uzerinde farkli etkileri. Gelism. Jama: Gelisim (Journal of American Medical Association) 1989; 2(6)32-36.
- Schmieder RE, Messerli FH, Garavaglia GE, Nunez BD. Glomerular hyperfiltration indicates target damage in Essential Hypertension. JAMA 1990; 264: 2775-2780.
- Nunez BD, Allon M. Effects of cardiac catheterization on renal function. Clinical Nephrology 1990; 34:263-266.
- Grossman E, Messerli FH, Oren S, Nunez BD, Garavaglia GE. Cardiovascular effects of Isradipine in Essential Hypertension. Am J Cardiol 1991; 68:65-70
- Nunez BD, Anderson DC Jr. Nitroglycerin in the treatment of Impotence. J Urology 1993:150(4): 1241-1243.
- Nunez BD, Miao L, Carrozza JP, Ross J, Douglas P, Gordon P, Katz SE, Kuntz RE, Morgan JP. Cocaine-Induced Transmural Myocardial Infarction in a Yorkshire Swine with Normal Coronaries: Evidence of Micro vascular and or Epicardial Coronary Spasm. Cardiology Pathology J 1994;3(2):93-97
- Nunez BD, Miao L, Kuntz RE, Ross JN, Gladstone S, Baim DS, Gordon PC, Morgan JP, Carrozza JP. Cardiogenic shock induced by cocaine in Swine with normal coronary arteries. Cardiovascular Research 1994; 28:105-111.
- Nunez BD, Miao L, Wang Y, Nunez MM, Sellke FW, Ross JN, Susulic B, Paik GY, Carrozza JP, Morgan JP. Cocaine-induced Micro vascular Spasm in Yucatan miniature Swine: In vivo and in vitro evidence of spasm. Circulation Research 1994; 74:281-290.
- Nunez BD, Miao L, Ross JN, Nunez MN, Baim DS, Carrozza JP, Morgan JP. Effects of Cocaine on Carotid Vascular Reactivity in Swine after Balloon Vascular Injury. Stroke 1994; 25:631-638.
- Nunez BD, Lavie CJ, Messerli FH, Schmieder RE, Garavaglia GE, Nunez MN, Comparison of Diastolic Left Ventricular Filling and Cardiac Dysrhythmias in Hypertensive Patients with and without Isolated Septal Hypertrophy. Am J of Cardiol 1994; 74:585-589.
- Piana RN, Banitt PF, Nunez BD, Dai HB, Sellke FW. Coronary micro vascular responses following iodinated contrast media. J. Invest. Radiology 1994; 29 877-881.
- Nunez BD, Keelen ET, Bresnahan J. Sixty-Year Old Man with Crescendo Angina. Circulation 1995, 2001-2002.